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                  "Fitness In It Together"

Land and Aqua Fitness Training
Ace Certified Fitness Council on Exercise

Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Aqua Instructor, and Fitness Nutrition Specialist

Fitness Coach in the Pool
Caring Fitness Coach for Land Based Exercise

 Hi!  I'm Stacy. 

In continuing with my passion to share health and wellness with others, I am a Personal Trainer and Aqua Fitness Coach who delivers a full body workout that is focused on functional fitness. Exercises are designed to mimic "Activities of Daily Life" to improve your quality of life outside of the gym. I believe exercise should be fun and purposeful to meet the demands of your individual life. 

I enjoy working  with all ages and fitness levels.  I  have found I enjoy helping seniors lead active lives; beginners to learn how to exercise properly, and those more advanced to improve on what they know and take them a step further.  I appreciate that we all have different requirements and skills and I teach based on that knowledge.


​I hope to get to know my participants on a personal level and to help them to be successful with their individual goals. I know everyone has their own story with a different ability level and I appreciate those individual qualities.  I, too, have my own health challenges that I adapt to everyday, and struggle trying to keep my autoimmune disorder under control.  Having been through ups and downs in my own life, I know that it takes a positive attitude and determination to make things change for the better. Being motivated, setting realistic goals, and taking that first step is a giant leap towards change.



I would love to help you work towards your goals and bring a healthy lifestyle to you and those around you. If you have any questions, would like to join a live or virtual class, or are interested in personal training, please contact me. 

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5 Star Recommedation
5 Star Recommendation
5 Star Recommendation
No Diving Sign

What to Expect - Group Classes

My classes are designed with the participants in mind.  I choreograph my classes so that we practice Activities of Daily Life Exercises so that  when you leave class, you are ready to go out and live life and have fun!

I try to get to know the people in my class so that I can help you be more successful in meeting your goals. Working together towards personal and group goals helps build friendships and is quite the powerful motivating tool.

I truly care about my participants and want you to be as successful as possible. I offer an atmosphere of mutual respect, no intimidation, and lots of encouragement. 

I want you to get a good workout and have fun, too!

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What to expect.....

- If it is your first time exercising, please consult with your doctor before beginning.

- On your first day of class, arrive 5-10 minutes early to meet me.  I will have some  

  paperwork to fill out and I'd like to get to know a little about you. Let me know if you

  have any concerns or particular limitations.

- Wear comfortable, breathable clothing.  Wear closed-toe shoes to protect your feet.

- Bring a bottle of water and maybe a towel (for the cardio class components).

- Sunscreen and water shoes are highly recommended for aqua classes.

- During class, work at your own pace and range of motion that is unique to you. 

  Everyone is different and each exercise isn't suitable for everyone.

- If you have any discomfort, discontinue the movements.  If you feel pain or unusual

  symptoms, please let the instructor know.

- Take a day off between strength classes.

- Have fun!  Enjoy class!  Welcome to our group!

                                    Personal Training Sessions:

Benefits of Regular Exercise

- Feel happier, relaxed and less stressed.

- Improved mood, which can elevate your confidence.

- Cardiovascular efficiency.

- Weight management and/or weight loss.

- Prevention/management of a variety of health concerns.

- Improved sleep quality.

- Look better and feel better!!!

- We train for life.  Improved quality of life outside of the gym.


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FIIT with Stacy

Located in Sunny Arizona!

(there are 2 i's in FIIT)

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